Wednesday, September 29, 2010


This next routine is going to be the last one n this series of exercises.  After this routine, I will post a weight training routine for people who are looking to get big and add muscle mass.. So don't forget to check on the blog for the next explosive routine that'll turn you into a BEAST!

Now this next workout is also one of my favorite ones. It's designed to be metabolically demanding. You will train the entire body with multiple exercises that train the entire body and work multiple muscle groups. In this routine however, you will only do one trip through as oppose to a circuit workout in which you cycle back through the same movements.


Alternate back and forth between the bear crawl for a distance of 15 meters and the crab walk for 15 meters. Repeat until you have done 5 increments of each.

Do one set of each movement, completing all of the prescribed number of repetitions before moving on to the next exercise. Perform each exercise as quickly as possible while maintaining proper form and full range of motion. Use a stop watch and minimize your rest! 

7-meter Fat rope climbs; Since I don't have a rope for this exercise I do lateral pull downs with a neutral grip and my palms facing me. Perform 5 reps. If you are lat pulldowns make sure that the weight is heavy and challenging for 5 reps.

Front Squats: Perform 5 reps, again use a heavy weight you can handle.

Ball slams: Perform 5 reps, 30 pounds

15-rope pulls: Again for this exercise I don't have a rope available so I so SEATED CABLE ROW. Perform 10 reps.

Bench Press; Again here, load the heaviest weight you can push for 10 reps. 

Ball Slams; Perform 10 reps at 25 pounds

Pullups; Perform 15 reps with a neutral grip

Dips; Perform 15 reps

Ball Slams; Perform 15 reps at 20 pounds

Resisted Fat Rope Pulls; Perform 20 reps. For this last one I do a standing cable row. For the handle I use the rope handle used to perform triceps extensions. To do the exercise, set up the rope handle and pull back the rope as if you were going to do a tug war. But hold it with one hand. Now to perform the exercise squat at 45 degrees and pull the rope like you would doing a cable row. When you are pulling the rope back, twist your hand so that your palm is facing up. You should finish the move looking like your were elbowing someone in the gut behind you. Then return to starting position with your palm facing down. 

Smashes: This last one I'm unable to do it because I don't have two heavy fat ropes I can whip. If your are lucky, and have access to two fat ropes, grab the ropes one in each hand and start whipping them. Your arm movement you should cause the rope to create a wave. Perform 20 reps. 


So there you have it for this series. Hope you like it and try at least one of the routines. They are all great and challenging. 

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