Tuesday, April 29, 2014


I can already picture some of you guys saying "WHAT!?!? HOW!?!?!" lol. Yes! you have been doing it wrong. Most of us have, without even realizing it.  You see about 3 years ago, I realized that in order to get stronger and grow muscles you must perform big lifts. However, every man and woman I meet believes that in order to get stronger, they must do complicated routines and or complicated workouts. The fact is, getting fitter and stronger is a lot easier than what most people think.

I see a lot of men come into the gym and spend countless hours and months doing exercises in front of the mirror and on the machines without seeing any results or increase in strength. Women are just as guilty, going from one machine to another simply because they are afraid of lifting weights and or they are afraid of getting big and looking like a man. 

So first lets clear something up for the women.

Ladies, you will NOT become bulky! Reason is because your body does not produce enough testosterone to become Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Lifting 2 or 3 times a week will not cause you to put on an insane amount of size. 

Lifting weights and doing Squats, Deadlifts, Bench Presses, Pull-Ups and Push-Ups are ideal for you and will give you that sexy/athletic figure you want!!

As for men, performing big lifts will help you add size to your frame. Look to this article LEG = GROWTH!  for more information. If you are a beginner I suggest you do the 5x5 workout.

Doing big lifts are also effective in another way. They help stimulate your metabolism and make your body burn more calories. For example, you burn more calories squatting than when you do Sit-Ups, and squats also make your core stronger. You don't buy it !! OK let's put it into a mathematical example. 

The body burns an extra 50 calories per day per pound of muscle. So if you put on 10 pounds of muscle, you'll burn an extra 500 calories per day. That's an extra 3,500 calories per week. 
Note: there are 3,500 calories in one pound of fat. 

 OK. So now that we got all those explanations out of the way. I sure some of you are eager to try the workout. Here it is below. Go NUTS!

Day 1: Squat and Press

  • A: Single-Leg Split Squat - 5X5
  • B: Dumbbell Bench Press - 3X6
Now that you've got your strength training out of the way, continue with:
  • C1: Offset Kettlebell/Dumbbell Squat - x 6/side
  • C2: Dumbbell Overhead Press - x 8
  • C3: Farmer's Walk - x 45 seconds
Rest for 30 seconds, and repeat 4 times:
  • D1: Swiss Ball Glute Bridge - x 7
  • D2: Swiss Ball Hamstring Curl - x 7
  • D3: Plank on Swiss Ball with Arm Slides - x 20

Day 2: Training for Warriors - the Hurricane

Check it out here.

Day 3: Hinge and Pull

  • A: Deadlift - 5X3
  • B: Pull-Ups - max x 3
  • C1: Kettlebell/Dumbbell Swings - x 10
  • C2: Bodyweight Rows-  x 10
  • C3: Pallof Press - x 10
  • Rest 30 seconds, repeat 4 times

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