Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Burn Fat with Body Weight Training

For as long as I have been working out, I have always come across people who only lift weight to get stronger and spend a lot of times looking at their guns and pecs in the mirror. I used to be one of them until one day 5 years ago a teammate and a good friend of mine invited me to workout with him. At the time I thought I was pretty strong but I didn't know what I was getting myself into. Let me tell you it was a humbling experience! On that day we did some body weight training. For a strong guy I couldn't do 20 pushups or even 10 pullups! Man, did I mention that he was smaller than me and kicked my ass in the gym! So from that day on I made it my goal to become stronger and more fitter using body weight training methods.. As a result I became stronger, faster and more agile. I also lost a lot of weight and got leaner in the process. So for today's post I'm putting a good body weight training workout. You will burn fat, get stronger, gain muscle and get lean at the same time. 

Ok so here is what you do. Perform each move for 30 seconds, take a 30 second break, and continue to the next exercise. Repeat the cycle until your 15 mins are up. To see what the exercises look like you can click on the highlighted ones to see a video of it. 

1. Judo Pushup          2. Seesaw lunge(right leg)

3. Plank Reach
  • Starting in a pushup position on a smooth surface. 
  • Place your hands on small towels place inline with your shoulders.    
  • Now slide your right hand as far in front of you as possible and bend your left elbow to lower your body as close to the floor as you can.
  • Return to the start and repeat, sliding your left hand.

4. Seesaw lunge(left leg)

5. Squat + jump combo
  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.    
  • Lower your body as far as you can pushing your hips back and behind your knees. Pause and then stand.
  • Squat again, but after this one, jump as high as you can. Upon landing, perform normal squat.
  • Keep alternating between squats and jumps.
There you have it. Get started and work hard.....

Monday, October 11, 2010


This next post is going to be the final post in the BEAST MODE workout series. I hope the workout has helped some of you reach your goals. I would like to know some of your results and progress, whether they are good or bad. Leave me a comment and let me know.

The exercises in this series are exercises you have been doing all along except for the clean 'n' jerk. It is an advanced movement, and I would be cautious if doing it for the first time. If you have never done it before, I suggest you do the movement without any weight to start off. And please go HERE to learn the proper mechanics of this movement. The clean and jerk is a power move and a very effective move to work and develop all the major groups in the body. If you are ready for the last phase lets go!

Monday, October 4, 2010


Continued from yesterday's post

Microcyle 2- Hypertrophy/endurance
2 weeks

Week 1: Upper Body(Mon, Wed.)                     Lower body(Tues. Thurs)
Heavy day: Mon 90% intensity                           Heavy day: Tues 90% intensity
Light dat: Wed: 80% intensity                           Light day:   Wed 80% intensity
Name                              Reps                        Name                     Reps

Bench Press                 4x10RM                       Back squats               4x8RM
Bent Over Row            4x10RM                       Lunges                      3x8RM
Lateral raises               4x8RM                       Seated Leg curls         4x10RM
skull crushers               4x10RM                      Seated Calf raises      4x10RM
Bar curls                     4x8RM                       Abs curls                   Max at 80
Abs curls                      Max at 80                    
Week 2: Upper Body(Mon, Wed.)                     Lower body(Tues. Thurs)
Heavy day: Mon 95% intensity                           Heavy day: Tues 95% intensity
Light dat: Wed: 90% intensity                           Light day:   Wed 90% intensity
Name                              Reps                        Name                     Reps

Incline dumbbell press      3x8RM                     Back squats               3x8RM
Upright Rows                  3x8RM                     Lunges                      3x8RM
DB shoulder press            3x6RM                    Leg curls                    3x10RM
Dips                               3x8RM                    Calf raises                  3x10RM
DB curls                          3x8RM                    Abs curls                   Max at 80
Abs curls                         Max at 100                     

Microcycle 1 - unloading (1 Week)
Upper Body: (Mon, Wed)                                             Lower Body: (Tues, Thur)
@ 70% intensity                                                            @ 70%
Name                                 Reps                                   Name                Reps  
Dumbbell Press                  4x10RM                           Back squat           4x10RM
weighted pull-ups               4x10RM                           Lunges                 4x10RM
shoulder press                    4x10RM                           Ham curls            4x10RM
Abs                                   Max at 80                          Abs                    Max at 80

NOW TAKE A 1 WEEK BREAK. DO NOT DO ANY PHYSICAL ACTIVITY JUST CHILL AND REST. Come back and visit to get the final part of this workout. In the meantime leave comments and or questions if you have any.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Since I have been in high school people have always been impressed with my size and strength. Back in high school I was only doing push ups and set ups. Then when I got to college I started weight training. Even now at my local gym people are still impressed and compliment me on my physique and hard work. They are always asking me questions on how I manage to achieve results without having to spend hours in the gym. The fact is it's true, I don't spend a lot of time in the gym. My workouts only last 45 mins to 1 hour and I only go to the gym 4 times a week max. But the workouts I do are challenging and require a great deal of commitment and dedication. To date I have trained 3 of my good friends, one who has played basketball at a high level, one who is a boxer and another who came to me after losing 180lbs and wanted to put on at least 15 pounds of muscle. All three of my friends achieved their goals and more. My basketball friend gained 12lbs of muscle and also improved his athleticism with this training. My boxer friend trained using the previously posted training routines, him too improved his boxing skills and winning record. My third did gain 15lbs of muscle and he now rocks fitted shirts and can't stop looking at himself. 

Now people want to gain muscle mass but are not prepared to do the hard work. They perform the conventional routines than wonder why they have very little gain. This workout is not conventional like the others. It's very challenging; it is based on your Maximum percentage lift. So for instance, for your bench press find your maximum 1 Rep Max. So the heaviest you lift 1 time, then take that number and multiply it by 0.8 it will give your 80%. After each set you will rest for no longer than 45 seconds and 2 mins between exercises. DO NOT CHEAT YOUR REST! If you get tired in between reps. Put the weight down and rest for 10 seconds then resume your set. Again DO NOT CHEAT, finish your number of reps. If you need a spotter do not let the spotter do the lifting for you. Your spotter should only help a little, if you are stuck and cannot lift. As rule when I training. The person must complete 4 reps on his own before I spot them. It works great cuz the person doing the lift does not expect any help from the get go and they are usually able to perform a lot of reps on their own. Now the entire workout is a 3 month program. So it should keep a lot you busy during the winter months and get you nice and buff for summer. So now if you are ready to transform into BEAST MODE! Keep on reading.