Sunday, January 2, 2011


HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!! It's that time of the year again, when everyone makes a new year resolution. That time of the year where most people make fitness and weight loss resolutions. As a matter of fact a good friend of mine called me today and said that they promised themselves to get back in the gym this year. I said that's great! She asked me to design a work out routine for her and asked to support her through and help her stay on track. So since it always hard for her to motivate herself to go to the gym, I suggested for her to chose her favorite fitness class and set some goals. But the goals could not be weight loss related. So we agreed for to go the gym at least twice a week as a small and easy goal. Since we didn't set any weight loss goal, this puts less pressure on her because she is simply trying to stay fit and not have to worry about losing weight by a certain date.

So the question is ARE YOU ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE!? Do you set fitness goals every new year and can't keep them and or lose motivation a month later. Do you get bored from your routine because it's the same routine all the time? Well don't beat yourself up too much, you are not the only one. Thousands of people do the same every year. So you are wondering, what can you do to stick to your new year's resolution? To start off set yourself a small and easy goal. It could be as easy as putting your shoes and getting out of your house and back in if you have trouble getting up. The point is set an easy goal that does not put a lot of pressure on you. Next find some support, someone who you know will encourage and help keep you on track. Someone who will not take your excuses not matter what or even someone that's also interested in working out. Lastly, pick exercises that you enjoy doing whether its a fitness class, spinning and or a weight training circuit. You can even have a bet with someone where you'll owe them money if you don't reach your goal.. I hope some of these ideas will help you stay on track. For those looking for new routine hit the jump to see this new killer workout.